Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Meet My Cow

I'm working on a little social media project for some old friends of mine... and loving every second of it. I really like meeting new people and this has allowed me to meet folks all around the United States, via social networks. Sometimes I'm meeting them in my pj's and that's just pure icing. Woot!
I'm finding my interest in them, is the same is if we would have met in person. I'm digging through their online pages, learing about them, figuring out what their message is and seeing how they go about engaging others in on it, all without a corporate name behind them. The people I've found are clever, smart, witty and driven. What I wouldn't give to have those four words said about me! LOL! I'm itching to meet them in person.

Who are these folks? One is a dairy farmer who video blogs from his tractor and you can even e-dopt one of his dairy cows! See the photo above... that's mine, Katie Belle! Isn't she pretty?! We have a handsome musician who has used every ounce of social media to make a name for himself as a singer, songwriter and performer. Another is a twittering chef for a swanky restaurant in California. There's the lipstick entrepreneur and a few who have been lucky enough to have books deals made because of their hilarious and quirky blogs. All together, we're shooting for 30 of these exceptional social media powerusers for a case study... of sorts...

Stay tuned on how you can learn more about these people too. By all means if you think you know a social media power user, tell me! I'd love to meet them.

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