Friday, December 17, 2010

This Changes Everything!

My children go to an ESL (English as a Second Language) elementary school with 500+ students and 14% of them are ESL students. We currently have 11 different countries represented within the children in that program.  Due to lack of dollars, our district unfortunately does not provide foreign language into the daily curriculum for the English only speaking kids to learn to communicate with the other children.  Yeah... a bit wonky, isn't it?

Granted, when you see the children, all out on recess, playing with each other and having fun, there's no translation needed.  Nor when you see them all sitting together at lunch laughing with each other.  Some really good things just don't need words.  

When they do...   I WANT THIS!

Can you say BRILLIANT?

Can you see this being used to increase world relief efforts so we can all understand each other and communicate better from the start?  I see this aiding Doctors Without Borders and the military and foreign exchange programs.  How do you see this being used?  Punch some holes in it... tell me why you don't think this is a good thing?

The world is getting smaller and more intimate every day and it makes me fall out of my chair with joy!

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